Hooray! We submitted the manuscript for our ‘Integration Otherwise Inspiration Kit’ to Leuven University Press. This is the result of three years of collaboration in the ReROOT team:
• indepth fieldwork in nine sites located in eight European countries (including Turkey and the UK)
• participatory action research prototyping valuable forms of arrival infrastructuring across different sectors
• a co-authoring process elaborating the specificities of each arrival context involving our 18 site researchers and 25+ ReROOT researchers with expertise as spatial practitioners, anthropologists, geographers, architects, activists, and social workers.
The toolkit was drafted by a core team (Luce Beeckmans, Dounia Salamé, Martina Bovo, and Mary Hogan) in collaboration with all consortium members. We look forward to sharing more about our Kit in the coming months, with an anticipated publication date in May 2025.
• indepth fieldwork in nine sites located in eight European countries (including Turkey and the UK)
• participatory action research prototyping valuable forms of arrival infrastructuring across different sectors
• a co-authoring process elaborating the specificities of each arrival context involving our 18 site researchers and 25+ ReROOT researchers with expertise as spatial practitioners, anthropologists, geographers, architects, activists, and social workers.
The toolkit was drafted by a core team (Luce Beeckmans, Dounia Salamé, Martina Bovo, and Mary Hogan) in collaboration with all consortium members. We look forward to sharing more about our Kit in the coming months, with an anticipated publication date in May 2025.