ReROOT Output
This article is written by Laura Guérin. It was published in Plein droit #132, in January 2022. The link to the full article can be found below.

During the Sonacotra strike of the 1970s, getting rid of "racist managers" was a central watchword, at a time when the dominant profile was that of former soldiers who had served in colonized territories. In other hostel management structures, very different profiles existed, for example former residents turned managers at Soundiata.

Beyond these historical differences, now erased by mergers and new names, these professions have been redefined: the same person takes charge of several homes and no longer lives on site, the profession has become more feminized and direct control has been replaced by management practices in which feedback is central.

Documenting the profile of these intermediaries between the residents and the structure's managers, who often only partially adhere to the project and the modalities of the current transformations, is crucial to understanding what these places are today.

Guérin, L. (2022). « On nous a dit clairement : “vous n’êtes pas travailleur social” ». Plein droit, 132, 18-21.
