Workshop: Complexities of mobility and fixity in arrival contexts: reflections from research in five countries
Convened by ReROOT members Bruno Meeus | KU Leuven, Tina Gudrun Jensen | Malmö University
Participants/Panelists all ReROOT researchers: Tamlyn Monson | Coventry University Marhabo Saparova | Sabanci University Cornelia Tippel | ILS Carolien Lubberhuizen | Utrecht University Shila Anaraki | KU Leuven
Description: Integration policies and governance of migrant arrival and settlement often involve ideals of permanence and sedentarism. However, these do not always fit the aspirations or realities of newcomers. Some arrivals come with plans of further mobility or adapt their plans after arrival. Others are not able to settle due to policies and practices that channel them toward return or transit to other destinations. Others, in turn, find themselves displaced by local transformations such as gentrification. Using examples of how mobility emerged as a crucial facet of the arrival picture in five distinct arrival contexts across and beyond Europe, this panel/round table addresses the complex dynamics between voluntary and involuntary mobilities and normativities of fixity in governance regimes.